
I could have written a good book about the nine years to date that I have battled Mesothelioma, but I thought maybe a good fiction novel would be a way to bring in funds for a much needed cause. We need funds to find a cure for this cancer that leaves no one standing.

Each of The Dreamweaver's Choice is donated to the Charity of MFMRF, I have taken nothing, paid for all printing and artwork costs myself. I do hope that in time many books will be sold and if possible the charity will keep receiving funds from the sales long after I have gone.

I just need you the public to get behind this book and buy it for young family members. Yes it has vampires, not many nasty ones but enough to give the book a story of good vs bad. There's a Newfoundland Dog, a paranormal police woman, a ghost and a couple of really good looking guys. What is there not to like?

It isn't a horror with lots of killing but a good story where good outwits evil, a good read along the way with some interesting twists.

Please get behind us and support the charity, at the same time you may even enjoy the read.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

From Chapter One

Abe was just about to ask if Amelia had visited, maybe she could help on the final location and identification of the Mark.  Amelia had been missing now for a couple of weeks, this wasn’t usual for her, at most she had not appeared for a day or two and once it had been a week but this was different.  It was nearly three weeks since she last appeared and Abe knew that Hugh was worried, indeed so was Abe.

Hugh could sense the next word on Abe’s lips as they packed their gear and checked the guns, Hugh also liked to carry a medical box which held several syringes and various sleeping potions.  “No” he simply answered, “Amelia hasn’t been over lately”.  They left the inner office, clicking the door shut. Hugh thought back to the last time Amelia had appeared, she told him she had been offered a Transfer, but a Transfer in a different manner to what Hugh and Abe meant.  He hadn’t been able to ask her to explain as the Shadow Watchers had arrived and she had gone. Hugh looked back at the screen and watched the Mark for a few more moments, he knew it may not be him but the thought that was pulling him more and more at this moment was his hunger.  Hugh wasn’t sure whether to disclose this information but if circumstances were different he would want to know.  After all it could affect the safety of the team.

      “I feel like I haven’t sated for a week Abe” Hugh cautiously stated, “I need more Nuits”

      “When did Vampage start?” Abe asked back, this could cause serious problems in the field.

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